If you would like to exchange links with us, please follow the instructions;
we will not place your link nor respond if any below points that we require are missing.
- we exchange links only with art related sites.
- before you request a link exchange with us, you must place our link on your site first.
- our link must be placed on a page no farther than one click away ! from your home page.
- email to: links @sattlerartprint.com this info:
where on your site is our link located?
what is your website address?
what is your ready to paste HTML code of your link?
sign with your name
-we will not look for mistakes in HTML code of your link, so please make sure it is correct.
- your link will be placed on
Please choose one of the two HTML codes of our links to copy and paste on your site:
<A href="http://sattlerartprint.com"
target="_blank" ><img alt="Kirby Sattler - Native American
Art " border="0" height="72" width="432" src="http://kirbysattler.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/sattlerbanner3.jpg"></A>
It will look like this: |

<a href="http://sattlerartprint.com"><b> Art Portraits of Native American
Kirby Sattler Reproductions directly from the publisher. Posters, Giclee Art Prints and Limited
Edition. Wholesale to art
It will look like
Art Portraits of Native American
Indians. Kirby Sattler Reproductions directly from the publisher. Posters, Giclee Art Prints and Limited Edition. Wholesale to art